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​Building a Personal Brand That Will Stand Out to Employers

  • Publish Date: Posted 3 months ago
  • Author:by Katie Ashenhurst

Let’s be honest: job hunting can feel like a battle. You’re armed with your CV, a half-decent LinkedIn profile, and a vague hope that your years of hard work will speak for themselves. But you’re competing in an arena where everyone else looks just as qualified as you. Maybe more.

So how do you stop blending in? You build a personal brand that slaps employers in the face (in a good way). Let’s get into how...

Step 1: Don't Be Vanilla

If your CV or LinkedIn profile reads like a template you found on Google, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Phrases like “results-driven professional” or “passionate team player” can be white noise to employers because everyone says this stuff.

Your brand should scream you. Are you a marketing genius who thrives on data-driven strategies? Say so. Are you the IT guy who can fix a server and a broken coffee machine? Own it. Don’t be afraid to show personality. The right employer will respect your authenticity.

Step 2: Own Your Story

Employers want to know who you are, not just what you’ve done. Did you start as a barista and work your way into finance? Brilliant—talk about how you learned to handle pressure and communicate with all kinds of people. Did you survive a redundancy and come back stronger? Even better.

Your career journey a narrative. Craft it, own it, and tie it into the value you bring to a company.

Step 3: Be Visible

Show up, stand out, and make people pay attention.

Post regularly on LinkedIn. Share insights, comment on industry trends, and don’t shy away from sharing your achievements. Engage with people in your field, go to events, and make connections.

What's the goal here? Well, hopefully, when someone in your industry thinks about a role, your name should pop into their head.

Step 4: Fix Your Online Persona

Google yourself right now. (Yes, do it. I’ll wait.) What comes up? A pristine LinkedIn profile and some solid professional mentions, or a cringey 2016 tweet you forgot existed and some questionable Facebook photos? (or in some cases, maybe nothing at all?)

Your online presence is part of your brand, whether you like it or not. Audit your social media accounts. Lock down anything you wouldn’t want an employer to see and make LinkedIn your new best friend.

Step 5: Put in the Work

Building a personal brand takes effort. You can’t just tweak your LinkedIn headline and call it a day. This is about consistency, creativity, and commitment.

Not sure where to start? Research your industry’s leaders and see what they’re doing. Borrow ideas and put your spin on them. Building a brand is a long game. The more effort you put in now, the more it will pay off when the right opportunity comes along.

Final Thoughts: Make Them Remember You

A strong personal brand is about taking control of your career narrative. It’s your chance to say, This is who I am. This is what I bring to the table. You’d be lucky to have me. Step up, show up, and make them remember your name.