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Ever get that sinking feeling on a Sunday night? That “why am I doing this to myself?” moment? Yeah — Suzanne and Leanne don’t have that.
So, what makes VANRATH different? Is it the team? The placements? The social events? We got Suzanne and Leanne to spill on their best moments, biggest wins, and why they wish they’d joined sooner.
Suzanne: "Fun (they are a bunch of crazies but in a good way), they genuinely care and offer a supportive environment, driven & the team is everything."
Leanne: "I find the Culture of VANRATH is like nothing I have seen before. It is such a positive happy environment, where everyone supports each other. Management work with you to get the best out of you and to help you achieve your goals. Very much a thriving environment."
Suzanne: "There are too many but narrowly winning by a hula hoop in the team sports day (sorry, not sorry but I’m competitive 😊) and of course it was followed by food and cocktails at the Cultra Inn, so for those that know me, this is my favourite place."
Leanne: "I enjoy all the social events! I particularly enjoyed the Christmas party, and I am excited to see where we will go and what we will do the remainder of the year."
Suzanne: "Placing a pharmacist. This was my first placement at VANRATH and opened up the door to me growing my desk and placing a furthermore 15 members of staff in that same team within the first couple of months."
Leanne: "Placing a few of the higher level more difficult roles, and the feedback from both the clients and the applicants were amazing. They are so happy in their role and the managers advised they were the ‘perfect fit’."
Suzanne: "Not to have been so nervous, have the confidence & faith in yourself to know that they recruited you for a reason."
Leanne: "Give it time, as long as you are doing all the basics — and being consistent — everything will fall into place. Remain focussed on the levels you want to reach and keep striving for this. Learn to roll with the knock backs and only let it make you want to push harder. Don’t let it pull you down."
Suzanne: "I’ve loved every minute of it, time flies when you’re having fun. So much has changed for me this past year for the better and it definitely makes a difference when you have a supportive team who only want the best for you. There have been a lot of memories made so far, and some great friendships formed. Definitely no regrets. I wish I had of made the decision to move to VANRATH a lot sooner than what I did."
Leanne: "BEST JOB EVER! It’s been an exciting rollercoaster, and it’s went past in a zoom. Happiest I have been! 😊"
We can't wait to see what the future holds at VANRATH for these two amazing women!
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