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Stop Searching for the “One True Passion” – Here’s What Really Matters!

  • Publish Date: Posted 4 months ago
  • Author:by Katie Ashenhurst

​We’ve all heard it: "Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life."

The whole idea of discovering your passion and turning it into a career can feel a bit overwhelming. However, with some reflection and exploration, you can get closer to meaningful work that doesn’t just pay the bills but actually excites you.

Forget the Pressure of "One True Passion"

First things first, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to discover one burning passion that will carry you through your entire career. Many people have multiple interests or may find that what they’re passionate about changes over time. Instead of searching for a singular, life-defining passion, focus on what genuinely engages you and makes you feel fulfilled in the moment. That’s your starting point.

Take a Closer Look at Your Hobbies

Sometimes, the things we love outside of work hold clues to the types of jobs we’d find meaningful. Do you love problem-solving in your spare time? Perhaps a career in project management or data analysis would be a good fit. Are you always the one people turn to for advice? You might thrive in coaching, mentoring, or HR roles. Your hobbies don’t need to map perfectly to a career, but they can reveal what you value.

Identify Your Core Values

Meaningful work often aligns with your core values. So take a step back and ask yourself: What matters most to me in life?

Is it making a difference in your community, having a flexible work-life balance, or being challenged daily? By pinpointing what you value, you can look for careers or companies that resonate with those beliefs.

For example, if sustainability is something you’re passionate about, working for a company that prioritises eco-friendly practices could make your job feel more aligned with your values, even if it’s not directly related to environmental work.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

It’s rare to know exactly what you want right off the bat. Most people stumble upon their passion through trial and error, and that’s okay! Take opportunities to try different roles, even if they’re not what you imagined long-term. Internships, freelancing, or part-time opportunities can give you valuable insights into what you enjoy and what you don’t.

Also, many industries are much more versatile than they seem at first glance. For instance, if you’re drawn to a particular sector but dislike certain aspects, look for roles within that industry that might align better with your strengths. If you love technology but aren’t into coding, maybe project management in tech could be your sweet spot.

Surround Yourself with Inspiring People

The people you interact with regularly can have a massive impact on your career journey. Surround yourself with individuals who are passionate about their work, and let their enthusiasm rub off on you. Attend industry events, join communities, or even start a conversation with someone whose career you admire. While networking can be about finding job leads, it’s also about exposing yourself to different perspectives and career paths you might not have considered.

Embrace the Journey

Your career isn’t a straight line, and that’s perfectly normal. You might not land in your dream job straight away (or ever), but every experience you have, whether it’s a job you love or one you can’t wait to leave, teaches you something about what you want (and what you don’t).

Meaningful work doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be on fire with passion every single day. Some days work WILL feel like work. But if you can find a job that excites you more often than not and aligns with your values, you’re well on your way to discovering meaningful work.

So, don’t put pressure on yourself to have it all figured out right now. Focus on what excites you, stay open to new opportunities, and trust the journey.