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Are you happy in your career?

  • Publish Date: Posted 5 months ago
  • Author:by VANRATH


First things first, no job will always be sunshine and rainbows, although wouldn’t that be nice… However, when considering career options, happiness at work is a crucial factor for many of us. Taking a look at what makes you happy or unhappy in your career can boost your drive and help you determine whether or not you are in the right job. There are a number of aspects of work that can affect your mood, whether it be the working environment or potential to progress in your career. Its important to recognise what could be hindering your progression and where you can make changes to ensure you are utilising all tools available to make the most of your career. As is the way of life, we will have ups and downs, bad days and good days, but overall we strive for a career where the good always outweighs the bad.

Let’s first talk about some aspects of your job and the effect they have on your mood at work...

The facts: There are some things about a company you often cannot change, such as location or commute time. However, there are other factors that you can change or ideas you could put forward to business leaders to change in the future.

  • Working Environment: Your work environment can have a huge impact on your mood in the workplace. A tidy desk, natural light and a clean office can boost your mood more than you may realise and increase motivation.

  • Aligning your career to your values: One way you can boost your mood in the workplace is to align your career to your values. Your values are a driving factor behind pretty much anything you do, so if a company doesn’t connect with your personal beliefs, you will likely find it hard to be passionate about your work.

  • Company Culture: Similar to your values, the culture that your working in should be a good fit for your personality and what you want out of work. Company culture is all about company values and making sure what you do at work feeds into the overall cultural beliefs of the company. This should be reflective on what the day-to-day of working in the office feels like. Finding somewhere that suits your preferences will help you to feel happier at work.

So.. How should you choose a career?

It's common that many of us focus more the job itself and the salary it comes with rather than the company and the potential there for you. This leaves all the aspects we just discussed to chance, throwing yourself in and hoping it all matches up. At VANRATH this is exactly what we specialise in, making sure that both job and company match you.

Choosing a career comes from knowing what you enjoy and how you like to work. This knowledge comes from experiences across your social life and working life and will help you to make a more informed decision about your next step. We know that not everything happens linearly, and you may find a job is perfect but the company does not suit you, or that the company is great but the role does not suit you. Don’t give up, take each position at a time and consider how much you’ve learned and developed before choosing your career path. It’s important to remember that the career you have now does not bind you for life, you always have the choice to try something else or take your career in another direction.

We specialise in building career success stories and could help you build yours today. Head to our website, read our google reviews on our home page, browse some of the many opportunities we have, explore more about VANRATH.

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