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Tips for a Successful Telephone Interview
Initial interviews by telephone are becoming more common. It is important to remember that having a telephone interview is just as important as a face to face meeting- you will need to be just as well prepared!
Although these interviews are often shorter and more informal, you shouldn't presume that this will be the case, and should always find out details about interview format beforehand. Some points to remember are:
Make sure that you have a quiet place arranged for the time of the interview
Keep a copy of your CV and some cards with short bullet point answers to questions that you think will come up. Although don't go overboard on making notes, as you will become flustered trying to find that bit of paper with the right answer
As it will be difficult to gage reaction, if appropriate, you should ask questions such as ' Would you like me to go into any more detail?'
Don't feel under pressure to answer a question instantly- the interviewer will be aware that you may need a short time to think
Research the company, and prepare some questions for the interviewer, as you would if you were attending a formal interview
At VANRATH we give in-depth interview preparation at all stages of the process! To find out more about current opportunities contact us on 02890 330 250 or e-mail belfast@vanrath.com