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CIPD NI Annual Conference Round Up!

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Richard McFarland

What a day! Although this year had a virtual twist, it was yet another successful year of the CIPD NI conference. The events of the last year following the global pandemic greatly shaped the whole course of this year’s topics. We heard from inspirational UK leaders, and leading organisations including FinTru, Smurfit Kappa, Southern Health & Social Care Trust and Sensata on how they navigated the uncertainty and socio-economic disruption of the past year.


A few of our favourite quotes from the day:

  • “Control the controllables...and if you can’t, let it go” – Mandy Hickson, Performace Coach.

  • “Perpetual learning and a lifelong learning culture is so important.” – Sinead Carville, Fintru.

  • “Inclusion and diversity will help you with talent attraction, employee retention, innovation, employee satisfaction, employer brand and profits. But more importantly it's the right thing to do” Catherine McGinnity, Sensata. 

The day kicked off with a keynote talk from Peter Cheese, Chief Executive at CIPD who talked to us about working together through an exceptional year of change. This was followed by Performance Coach, Mandy Hickson’s, inspirational keynote talk on building and empowering effective teams in challenging times.

Throughout the day there was a mix of great organisational case studies, panel discussions and motivational plenary sessions that covered topical discussions and unmissable insights including:

  • how best to develop and support your line managers to achieve organisational success

  • how to support your organisations and people in times of crisis

  • wellbeing lessons from Coronavirus and how to use them to your organisation’s advantage

  • how to create inclusive work cultures that harness the benefits of diversity

  • how to truly make flexible working a reality

  • the impact COVID-19 had on the future of Northern Ireland’s skills development system.


Frank Douglas, CEO of Caerus Executive, one of the top 30 most influential HR directors in the UK wrapped up the day with a final keynote talk surrounding wellbeing and inclusion lessons from Covid and beyond – unlocking sustainable business success in Northern Ireland. There really has been so much to think about and so much to take away. The content is available for 90 days, so you can catch up on any sessions you missed or re-watch your favourites!

We are proud to sponsor this event for the 4th year running. Each year has topped the last and we look forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for the annual CIPD conference, hopefully in person!