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Access our content in a way that suits you best.Including text-to-speech, reading and translation support.
We're Back!
We are now fully operational again. What does this mean? It means we are here, and we have come back in a strong position ready to provide you with the same exceptional service and support you expect from us. It means the market is now re-opening with new opportunities. It means that clients have strategically adapted to the “new normal” coming up with astute strategies to interview and onboard virtually.
Phased Return..
As part of our new normal, we have begun a phased return to work and are navigating our way back to business as usual. Our experts have been listening, learning and adapting to the new surroundings of the market against the current pandemic and are highly confident in their approach to support your needs. We can operate virtually via zoom calls, telephone calls and through e-mail and hope to get you all into our shiny new offices again soon.
Are there jobs available? If so, what are they?
How does the current job market look?
I’m concerned about how the pandemic may affect my career, what are my options?
Is it the right time for me? How viable is it to make a move right now?
How does a virtual interview process work?
We can answer all of these questions and much more, give one of our experts a call today on 028 9033 0250!